Researcher profile
Current appointment
PhD student
Area of interest
Vocational rehabilitation | Health promotion | Musculoskeletal health | Work disability
Fiona is a PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Oslo Metropolitan University. She is a physiotherapist with long experience from working in primary care and has a Master’s degree in Health Promotion from the University of South-Eastern Norway. She has worked as a researcher in the Musk health research group since 2018.
Fiona’s PhD research is on vocational interventions for people on sick leave with musculoskeletal disorders. Currently she is conducting a process evaluation of a stratified vocational advice intervention delivered in a randomised controlled trial (the MI-NAV study). She is also investigating the effect of motivational interviewing and a stratified vocational advice intervention on return to work for people on sick leave with musculoskeletal disorders participating in the MI-NAV study. She has previously published a mapping review on the use of motivational interviewing to facilitate return to work for people on sick leave with musculoskeletal disorders.
Follow Fiona's research work on Researchgate.
Work disability and musculoskeletal pain
Can Motivational Interviewing facilitate Return-to-Work in sick-listed people with musculoskeletal disorders? Read more about the project here.