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Image by Ferdinand Stöhr

Researcher profile



Current appointment

Professor, PT


Area of interest

Musculoskeletal health | Methodology | Low bak pain | AI | Prognosis research | Epidemiology


Margreth started as a professor at the Department of Physiotherapy (Faculty of Health Sciences) in 2013, as head of the Master Programme in Physiotherapy at OsloMet. She established the MUSK Health research group in 2015 ( ), which has had rapid progress with several internal and external funded research projects. She has more than 20 years of experience in musculoskeletal pain research (epidemiological and randomised controlled trials), in particular spinal disorders, but also osteoarthritis and rheumatic diseases. The research has been carried out both in primary and secondary care. 


From 2021 she will lead the new Centre for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health (CIM), which was approved as one out of five excellent academic environments at OsloMet. CIM aims to build an interdisciplinary and user-oriented centre for innovative and effective musculoskeletal interventions, based on using advanced technology within AI (see Therefore, from August 2021 professor Britt Elin Øiestad will be the new leader of the MUSK Health research group. CIM will be an extension of the MUSK Health research group.»


Follow Margreth's research work on Researchgate




Image by Eliott Reyna

HEYoung project

Mental and musculoskeletal health in the transition from adolescence to adulthood

In this project, we aim at following a large cohort of young adults (16 - 26 years of age) for 10 years to assess potential risk factors, risk profiles and risk trajectories for mental and musculoskeletal disorders. Read more about the project here



Work disability and musculoskeletal pain 

Can Motivational Interviewing facilitate Return-to-Work in sick-listed people with musculoskeletal disorders? Read more about the project here

Image by Michael Dziedzic


Center for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health (CIM)

Center for Intelligent Musculoskeletal health (CIM) was approved as one of five excellent academic environments at OsloMet in fall 2020. Read more about this project here

Image by Micheile Henderson


Back complaints in elderly

Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point in their life. For some people, it is a rather quick episode, passing within a few days. Fort others, the pain persists. We aim at figuring out why. Our preliminary results show that as many as 80% of elderly with a new episode of back pain still has pain 3 months after their first visit to their primary care practitioner. Why is that? Read more about this project here.


Contact Us


Oslo Met. University

Pilestredet 44, Oslo, Norway

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