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Image by Ferdinand Stöhr

Researcher profile



Current appointment

PhD student, PT


Area of interest

Chronic pain | Vulvodynia/Vestibulodynia | Somatocognitive therapy | Pain management


Mette is a PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Oslo Metropolitan University. She graduated in 1998 with BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy from Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. She completed her MSc in the Clinical Management of Pain from University of Edinburgh in 2016. Mette is currently on study leave from the Department of Pain Management and Research, Oslo University Hospital, where she has worked as a physiotherapist since 2005.


The research focus in Mette’s PhD project is on evaluating somatocognitive therapy, a multimodal physiotherapy intervention, for women with a longstanding vulvar pain condition called provoked vestibulodynia (PVD). The feasibility of undertaking a full-scale randomized clinical trial of somatocognitive therapy for women with PVD has been investigated. As part of this feasibility study, the tampon test has been evaluated as a primary outcome measure in PVD, in preparation for the main trial. 

Follow Mette's research work on Google Scholar


Image by Sharon McCutcheon

PROLOVE project

Somatocognitive treatment for vestibulodynia

Vestibulodynia is a complex condition affecting many women in their reproductive age. In this randomized controlled trial, we wish to investigate the effectiveness of somatocognitive physiotherapy against best current practice. Read more about this project here.


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Oslo Met. University

Pilestredet 44, Oslo, Norway

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