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WP1 - Current practice of NAV in dealing with sick-listed people
due to a musculoskeletal disorder

MI-NAV project (Work package 1)

Project manager

Professor Kjersti Storheim


Contact info


​Post doc

Ida Løchting


Research collaborators

Ass prof Hedda Eik Grape



In Work package 1 we will focus on the current state-of-the-art with respect to the scientific evidence for the use of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the current NAV practice on counseling approaches in meetings with sicklisted people with musculoskeletal disorders.


We wish to answer questions like a) What is the scientific evidence for the use of MI in order to facilitate RtW among people with musculoskeletal disorders? b) What type of approaches and methods are used today among NAV employees in order to facilitate RtW? And c) What are the experiences by using today’s method, seen from both the providers and consumers point of view?


The project will be conducted in NAV Vestfold and NAV Telemark and the project is an collaboration between OsloMet and Oslo University Hospital (FORMI).



Systematic mapping review

The protocol for the systematic mapping review in WP1 can be found her.



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