Researcher profile
Current appointment
Research assistant
Area of interest
Musculoskeletal Disorders | Work Disability | Implementation Science | Fall Prevention | Clinical Decision Support
Rune is a PhD student as well as a research assistant in the MuskHealth Research Group at the Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo Metropolitan University. Rune is a physiotherapist and has experience from working with adults and elderly people with musculoskeletal disorders and cardiovascular diseases in primary care.
As a research assistant, Rune is involved in the MI-NAV project where he assists senior researchers and PhD students in gathering and managing data. In addition, he investigates the physiotherapists’ fidelity in the delivery of one of the MI-NAV trial interventions, the Stratified Vocational Advice Intervention.
The focus of Rune’s PhD project is on the implementation of evidence-based recommendations for fall prevention among primary care clinicians in Norway. He is investigating the extent to which Clinical Decision Support use can help primary care clinicians adhere to evidence-based recommendations for fall prevention, and what the factors of effective CDS are. Subsequently, he will conduct a feasibility study to assess the acceptability and feasibility of a proposed intervention aiming to implement evidence-based fall prevention recommendations in two city districts in Oslo.
Follow Rune's research work on Google Scholar.
Work disability and musculoskeletal pain
Can Motivational Interviewing facilitate Return-to-Work in sick-listed people with musculoskeletal disorders? Read more about the project here.